For Client:
It is certified that the hours and days recorded on this Client Flow Sheet are correct, that the work was performed in a satisfactory manner, and that the client agress to pay this assignment in full within seven (7) days of receiving billing invoice. The client's exclusive remedy and Assurance Home and Convalescent Care, Inc.'s sole liability for claims of any kind or nature as the services rendered by the said employee shall be generally limited to the amount of compensation to be paid to Assurance Home and Convalescent Care, Inc., but in no event shall exceed the amount of liability insurance coverage carried by Assurance Home and Convalescent Care, Inc. for such claim. Failure to give written notice of claim postmarked within three (3) days after occurrence shall constitute a waiver by the client.
It is also certified that said caregiver is the employee of Assurance Home and Convalescent Care, Inc. and not the employee of said client. The client or responsible party for client agrees he or she shall not employ any employee of Assurance Home and Convalescent Care, Inc. for period of twelve (12) months following the completion of each recorded assignment. In the event the client violates the previously stated condition, the client agrees to pay Assurance Hime and Convalescent Care Inc., upon demand, the sum of $3,000 as liquidated damages, in addition to all legal fees to recuperate the above mentioned sum.